Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Do you know how much being bullied hurts people? Well, I think you are smart enough to figure out the answer. There are many ways to bullied.
#1. Being bullied in school. A lot of people are bullied in school and all the teachers say is " oh, its okay, it happened to everyone" Then they tell you about when they were little and when they first got bullied. If you are a teacher, the best thing to do is when a kid gets bullied, don't tell them about your past.... It has nothing to do with them. It just sounds stupid ...... right?

#2. Passed around notes. You never know what people pass around on notes these days. Most people put other peoples private information on it. They think it's funny. Well it's not.

#3. Whispering. This one hurts people a lot because it's just like passing around notes. When you whisper, you never know what that person is saying to another. 

#4. Cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is internet bullying. When someone gets cyber bullied, they feel bad. most people commit suicide because they were cyber bullied. The person thinks its funny. 

You see? It hurts. The average person gets bullied everyday.
This is important.

Ps. please write a comment on what you want me to write. please no offensive comments. then you are bullying me. :-(

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Do you like homework? I don't think anyone does unless it's super easy. Homework takes up your  time when you get home. Even if it's super easy. It's a waste of time and energy. I think we all understand that who ever made homework was trying to help us become smarter but its wasting time. When kids get home after school their exhausted.  You really want to pressure us more?  Kids do a lot of work during school and the DOE still expects them to do stacks of homework. Is the DOE trying to make kids smarter or pressure kids more? leave a comment or question below.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The difference between a choice and a mistake.

 A choice is a decision that you or someone else chooses to do. They are not "taking anyone's advice". They are just doing what the want, when they want to, and how they want to do it.
For example: "I choose not to give it to you because you are mean to me." That's a perfect example. If that person says sorry, don't take it.
 They chose to do that.

A mistake is something that you did wrong. And you know you were wrong but you did it anyways. For example:  " I'm sorry for hitting you I know I shouldn't have done that, sorry." 

So now you know the difference, what statements or comment is a choice or mistake? Well, in reality, men often say when they are in a relationship, they cheat. And the women always finds out. They say "sorry, I made a mistake." That is not a mistake, that is a choice. He chose to do that. Nobody told him to do it, and if someone did, he should have said no.

 Now: a mistake example: Well, a mistake example is one of the hardest examples to think about. If you have any, leave them in the comment section below.

Thanks, and have a wonderful day!

Monday, October 29, 2012

"You are really pushing my buttons!"

I don't mean pushing buttons pyshically, like pushing actual buttons on clothes, it's an expression. It means that your making someone really mad. It happens to everyone, someone makes someone else really mad.  A very rare amount of people say that.

If you noticed, the word buttons and\or Buttons; can be used in an expression and in a statement.

Why a very rare amount of people say that is because rarely anyone knows that expression.

 P.s, I am not the owner of this expression.

Mother Nature, Hurricane Sandy, and walruses

Today is a special day. Today Hurricane Sandy will hit NYC and my first guest poster will blog today. I give you the master of , The Weirdo Crater himself!! -Coolio
 Thanks to Coolio for letting me spit out a few words of not-so-much wisdom.. I would love to be able to scold Mother Nature. Mother Nature has caused Hurricane Sandy, the existence of Justin Bieber, and (deep breath) the Apocalypse. I hate you, Mother Nature. Just like I hate Top Chef, advertising, pole dancing, and kickball. I also like Mother Nature. I like walruses, pomegranates, Oreos, and YouTube. Whatever.  www.theweirdocrater.blogspot.com

Sunday, October 28, 2012


 Anytime you turn around you must see at least one advertisement! Because they are everywhere! They are plenty in train stations and in the trains, the buses sometimes, every time you get a flyer.
Don't they get annoying? Even in bakeries! 
If you don't know what a advertisement is, I  would suggest that you search it up on Google.

 Anyways, If advertisements for some reason annoy  you, welcome to reality.  I think everyone feels that way. 
Advertisements that I hate the most are the Halloween parties.
Why? Because #1: the people are dressed up in stupid costumes,#2: they are so ignorant!

This is my opinion! Don't take this seriously!

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Don't you just hate when your parents say that? All you want to do is curse. Yes, they think you really care.
BUT YOU REALLY DON'T! Now that I got that over with, you don't have to worry. I really don't want to say what colors go good together, i'm  really good at that, but i really don't want to talk about it. I suppose that you know what colors go good together. This really comes to mind when you are dressing up to go to a party or to school.
for example:

That's also what you want to say.

I know you guys realize that almost all my posts are about positive stuff and about my point of view of parents, I'm sorry if that annoys you.
p.s. please comment in the box BELOW!!!!!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

How do you know? You were never poor! 

That's the problem with Mitt Romney. He doesn't understand how it feels to be poor. He doesn't give two craps about the poor people! Yet, he gives and supports the rich and wealthy people. What kind of person would vote for him? Obviously Republicans! They will vote for him no matter what.

I'm not saying that all Republicans are bad people, i'm saying that if Romney wins, we are all in big trouble.

People who vote for Obama are the people who work for things.
People who vote for Romney are the people who get things on silver platters.

Key: Red = Republicans.  Blue = Democrats 

PS: this is my  opinion of Romney and Obama.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Of course you know, you finished school.

 Your parents might say that while you are doing your homework.
They always say "oh its easy!", or "come on you know the answer, you're just not thinking!". Don't you hate that? They always say that. You know you're thinking, but you can't say that. You can't talk back.

Your parents think they know everything. Sometimes they get the answers wrong and they love to say" oh, so your calling me a liar?".
That's way different than knowing everything. your parents also say,"come on, at your age,I was doing this, that and the other thing."

Then they always tell you things you already know what or how to do.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

You wish you could say it but you can't.

Parents get mad at their children because they didn't do what they were supposed to do. So kids get super mad. They want to just  curse. They don't want to do whatever their parents said that they have to do.
You may think children are hardheaded, but you are not feeling  the way your children feel.

The reason why parents don't feel that way is because they've been through it when they were little. They had to learn it the hard way.
It wasn't easy for them. So children should think about their parents life and parents should think about the children and the way they feel.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

"Turn off the TV! You not learning anything from watching that!"

That's the number 1 thing parents say when you're watching TV. Actually, you do learn stuff. You learn what to do,and what not to do.

Your parents don't think about that. All they think about is you just sitting down in front of the TV. They don't care about if it's educating you. You would think that they thought that. They don't.

 They are basically telling you to get a life and get out of the house.
Which some parents would do if you were about 18.
The can't handle you anymore.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Is Barclay's Center a total waste of money or a good thing for the neighborhood?

 A lot of people love the new Barclay's center downtown Brooklyn, and a lot of people hate it. They say " This is a total waste of  money! What about schools? You knocked down all these homes and put this stupid arena here? And then you expect us to like it?".That's the number 1 argument. Jay Z, once he gets the money, is going to pay for people to lived in the neighborhood, to have homes.

Jay Z once did that. He helped people who got kicked out of their homes to live in other homes and can afford healthcare and the rent.That should make people happier.

The Barclay's Center is very popular. It has 37 restaurants and there's a lot of traffic! Also Barclay's center is a very rusty looking building, but, that doesn't change the way it looks in the inside.

Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer....

Do you ever hear that expression from friends? Well that expression means that you be nice to your enemies so they think you are friends. But your really not friends with them, your just doing it so that you will do some later on to either hurt or tease them.

Its really hard to find the difference between the two in a friendship.
You could be their real friend, or their enemies. Just be careful of what moves you make.

Making the person you want to be friends with mad, thank could  cause  a bad friendship. As in you being their close enemies. Which is not the first thing you want to do.  The first thing you want to do is greet them nicley and see their body language to see if they are the people who should be your true friend.

That's my advice for you.

Why Justin Bieber sucks to me

In my opinion, Justin Bieber sucks. This is why....

1. He sings like a girl.
2. He's ugly...
3. His posters are everywhere!
4. He thinks he's so cool because a ton of people love him.
5. Every bad thing you could possibly think of!!!

Anyways, I, and others hate him.. and he cheated on Selena Gomez.
 Which I'm not a big fan of either.

PS.. if you like Justin Bieber, I suggest wanting to be Mrs. Bieber, which will probably never happen. That's just my suggestion. You can take it or leave it. I can't change your beliefs. Its your decision.